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What does a Dog Bite Lawyer do?

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When you are the victim of a dog bite case, the owner of the animal is usually the primary and only person responsible. However, the extent of the owner’s fault varies depending on the situation in which the accident took place. In most states, if the attack occurs in a public or private area where you had a right to be present, the dog owner may be held liable, and you will have the right to file a lawsuit with a dog bite attorney.

Often, the owner is at fault for the animal’s actions, regardless of whether he or she had prior knowledge of the animal’s aggressiveness or not. That is, when an animal attacks, the owner will not be able to claim that the dog was nonviolent until that moment and try to shift some of the blame for the attack to the victim.

There are only two exceptions:

  • If the victim provoked the dog, the owner would not be responsible, nonetheless, these cases are very rare.
  • The owner would not be responsible either if the bite occurred in his/her private property and there was a visible “Beware of the dos” sign or a sign that indicated a possible attack from the animal as defense.

If you have been a victim of a pet attack, you should contact Conexión Legal as soon as possible by calling 1 800 201 1220 or writing via WhatsApp so that we can provide the best free legal advice so you can get the highest possible compensation with the guidance of a qualified and professional Hispanic attorney.

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What can you claim and what compensation can you get for a dog bite?

After suffering such an attack, seek immediate help from a dog bite attorney. By proving liability from the owner, the attorney may be able to recover compensation for:

  • Current and future medical expenses
    Depending on the severity and responsibility of the attack, the owner will have to pay for medical treatment and medication. In general, all these expenses will be borne by those responsible for the misfortune, who are usually the owners of the pet.
  • Loss of Income
    In addition, depending on the severity of the event, the victim may be forced to rest. Therefore, it will be impossible for them to work and continue their daily life.
    If you have to claim days off work for health reasons, the compensation for the accident should include payment for the days you are unable to work. If, due to the accident, you should lose your job, the compensation in terms of lost income will be much higher.
  • Pain and suffering
    A dog bite can cause profound pain, not only at the exact moment of the event but also during the entire recovery period involved in such situation. These pain and suffering, once the attack has happened, are impossible to avoid, so your Hispanic lawyer will have to explain and translate them into economic terms when evaluating a dog bite compensation.
  • Emotional Anguish
    A situation at the level of a dog bite, which involves pain, suffering, incapacity to work, shock and trauma, can generate deep anguish and can even develop into depression or anxiety problems. In the event of a claim for damages, this distress will also be taken into consideration when calculating the corresponding compensation.

If the victim wins the civil lawsuit, the dog owner must pay dog bite compensation. The dog owner’s pet insurance, automobile insurance or home contents insurance may cover the victim’s medical expenses and other damages such as pain and suffering, loss, or possible loss of income.

If you require it, you should contact Conexión Legal as soon as possible so that you can receive the best free legal advice. This way we can connect you with a Hispanic lawyer who will help you get the highest possible compensation for your damages and injuries caused by the dog bite.

Follow the steps below to schedule your free consultation.

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