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Dog Bites

If you were a victim of a dog bite or attack, it is important to keep in mind that you have rights, and the dog owner has obligations towards you. There are laws that protect you against a situation like this one, and Legal Connection is by your side to see your rights enforced.

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What to do in case of a dog bite in the U.S.?

When we suffer an attack or a bite from a dog, there are several factors to determine and actions to take to ensure that we can receive the benefits provided by the Law

  • Guilt: In these types of cases, the dog owner is generally at fault, but this has to be proven, therefore, the details of what happened are important. There are certain exceptions in which the owner is not guilty:
    If you entered into a private property and you shouldn’t have been there
    If you provoked the dog.
    In case of proving that the owner is at fault, attorneys in Conexión Legal will make sure that the owner’s insurance covers all of the expenses and, in case that there is no insurance, they will take the case to Court so you can receive all of the benefits provided by Law.
  • Date of the incident: It is important that when you are bitten by a dog, the incident is reported immediately both to the owner of the dog (if they were not present) and to the authorities. You also need to visit a doctor as soon as possible, since the longer it takes, the weaker your case will be.
    It is very important that you receive support from an attorney who specializes in dog bites so you can receive your benefits as they are supposed to be and don’t end up losing out because of an incident that is not your fault. Remember that the Law protects you.
  • Medical Attention: When you are bitten by a dog, you must visit a doctor as soon as possible, you cannot let time go by since if you do, the guilty party will argue that you could have been injured at any other activity, and the bite was not that serious since you did not go to the doctor.

Contact us at 1800 201 1220 and we will gladly assist you in Spanish. Attorneys in Conexión Legal will help you receive all your benefits and will refer you to a doctor that will see you without having to pay one dollar from your pocket.

Types of Compensation for a Dog Bite:

  • Medical Expenses: Generally, when you suffer from an attack or bite from a dog, it is important to visit the doctor, and there’s no reason for you to pay for the expenses. The dog owner must be responsible for that, either through their insurance or personally if they don’t have one.
  • Pain and anguish: The recovery period from such an incident can be long, desperating and hard, not only physically but emotionally. All of this also entails the right to receive financial compensation for the damages.
  • Loss of work: If you are unable to work for any period of time due to a dog bite incident, you are entitled to collect lost wages, and in case you lose your job, you still have the right to receive financial compensation.

What does an attorney who specializes in dog bites do?

A lawyer handling a dog bite case will be the person in charge of gathering all the available evidence, identifying the person responsible for the facts, and initiating a process in which both the payment of medical expenses and physical damages caused by the event can be claimed.

Call Conexión Legal at 1-800-201-1220or contact us via WhatsApp! We will give you the advice you need regarding car accidents, completely for free. Our team will offer immediate, personalized attention, absolute confidentiality, and we will provide our services in Spanish.

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