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Attorneys in California

California is the most populated state in the United States, with a population of 37.253.956 according to the last census. Of those people, 14.013.719 are hispanic or from the Latino community, meaning 38% of the total population.

Spanish is the second language by number of people, therefore, we contact you with Spanish-speaking attorneys in California.

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Our coverage in California

If you live in Los Angeles, Fresno, Sacramento, San Francisco or another one of the 58 counties of this state, give us a call and we will contact you with an attorney in California who will give you immediate, free consultation.

Most common accidents in this area:

Car accidents

There are more vehicles on the streets everyday, which exponentially increases the risk of suffering injuries due to vehicle crashes.

Take a look to our network of car accident attorneys in California and identify the time frame in which you can file a lawsuit; the limitations may vary depending on the case.

Work Accidents

Work Accidents are without question one of the most frequent injuries in California’s Law, and Workers’ Compensation claims in California cover most the Work Accidents. However, the circumstances of an accident can say otherwise.

Benefits you could receive:

  • Time limit for Workers’ Compensation case reporting:1 year from the date of the accident.
  • Financial Compensation: Up to $1,299.43 per week for a temporary disability.
  • Fee amount per case: Attorneys in our network do not require money in advance to handle the case. Fees are set by the Court in a range of 10% to 15% depending on the complexity of the case.

Personal Injury

These types of injuries, commonly known as “slip and fall accidents” often occur due to risky situations such as wet floors, holes in a sidewalk or unsafe stairs.

Lawyers in our network in California know the applicable laws for these types of accidents and point out that the allowed time to file a lawsuit due to a fall in a public space is up to 2 years after the event, according to the limitations bylaws for these cases.

Although these are the most common injuries in the state of California, you can get a free consultation with an attorney from Conexión Legal for immigration cases, discrimination, medical malpractice and social security, among others.

If you belong to the Latino community and you are not sure you can make a case, we are here for you regardless of your migratory status. By clicking on the WhatsApp icon on this page, you can get to know more about our advantages.

Contact us and get an assessment of your particular case though our free consultation.

Have you suffered accidents in California and Los Angeles?

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