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Atlanta Accident Lawyers

Atlanta is the capital of the state of Georgia and is also the most populated of the same with an estimated population of 537 958 people of which 55.8 are African Americans; although Hispanics and Latinos are only 5% of the population the Spanish language is predominant in this place. 

It is considered a business city and transportation hub since it has the busiest airport in the world just 11 km from downtown.

Being a city in constant movement, there is a latent risk of suffering any type of accident in which you may need an accident lawyer in Atlanta to defend your rights.

 No matter what type of emergency you have, and especially if you have suffered a personal injury, count on the network of attorneys at Conexión Legal for free and timely legal help and advice regarding your situation.

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Conexión Legal Services in Atlanta

The network of English and Spanish-speaking attorneys at Conexión Legal are ready to put their experience and professionalism to work for you in the following cases:

  • Traffic accidents
  • Accidents in public places
  • Workplace accidents, among others

If for any reason, you have been the victim of an accident and you consider necessary the legal representation of a highly qualified and committed to your rights, call us at 1800 201 1220 to receive free legal advice. 

Most Common Cases in Atlanta

In general, every accident situation is a unique case; however, as indicated by statistics there are three dominant situations before mishaps that Atlanta accident lawyers handle, which are:

Auto Accidents

These types of accidents are the most common and for which the courts receive more complaints within the state of Atlanta, so having a Hispanic lawyer who specializes in accidents is vital in order to obtain compensation.

In this case, there is the possibility that the responsible party will pay your medical expenses and compensate you for lost wages and possible wage losses that your personal injuries and the consequences of the accident represent.

After a personal injury accident, your Atlanta accident attorney should be aware of your state’s laws and take every precaution to protect you.

Workplace Accidents

While workplace accidents are not the largest number, these types of emergencies have enough personal injury claims that an Atlanta accident attorney is required to recognize liability and make a fair compensation claim.

Among the most common work-related injuries are repetitive work injuries, mishandling of equipment, lack of protective equipment, and little or no training to perform activities.

Accidents in public places

Having slips and falls as the most frequent, in places such as shopping malls and public sidewalks there are risks in some cases unpredictable and in others due to negligence, so your accident lawyer should be prepared for it.

Your legal representative will need to reconstruct the facts and assert your legal and regulatory rights to efficiently provide you with legal defense to ensure the best results by being skilled in negotiation and understanding the value of the injuries, which is critical in mediating with insurance companies.

When you suffer a personal injury, you can contact Conexión Legal as soon as possible to receive the best free legal advice, and if necessary, you can receive the representation of a professional who will lead you to obtain the highest compensation for your damages.

Get Free Advice!

Call us at 1-800-221-1220 or contact us via WhatsApp and get the advice you require for free. In our online channels we are available 24/7 to support your process.

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