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Uber/Lyft Accidents

A car accident can happen at any time and to any type of person, mainly if your job consists of being behind the wheel. Thanks to new technologies, today we have applications that cas assist as means of transportation, and due to its high demand, Uber or Lyft accidents are becoming more common.

Therefore, if you are a driver for any of these apps, you should be prepared to know how to act and seek the best legal advice you can get. In Conexión Legal, along with a professional hispanic lawyer, we can help you get fair compensation for the damages that the crash may have caused. Give us a call ar 1800 608 5318 or write a message via WhatsApp.

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What should I do if an Uber/Lyft driver crashes into my vehicle?

In this case, it is necessary to say that there are certain factors to take into consideration when you are involved in a collision with an Uber or Lyft driver, since the applications are usually very specific and strict about it.

The first thing to take into consideration is the following:

  • Was the app on or off?
  • Was the driver on its way to pick up a customer?
  • Was there a customer on the vehicle?
  • Were you driving the vehicle involved in the crash where the Uber/Lyft was at fault for the accident?

Understanding the coverage policy of a vehicle is always complicated, therefore, hiring an Uber/Lyft accident attorney in these cases is the best you can do to ensure that your rights are respected.

Types of compensation you could receive

When you were a victim of an accident in an Uber/Lyft, you will have the opportunity to access different types of compensation, which depend on the type of damage you suffered, such as:

  • Injuries
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages

In determining the true value of your claim, an attorney will need to consider past and future medical expenses, lost wages, and the future loss of income from your recovery.

In this case, your attorney will work with your doctor to achieve maximum medical improvement and avoid accepting a settlement too soon.

What to do in case of an accident in an Uber/Lyft?

  • Identify if you have suffered a serious injury that makes it necessary for you to be moved to a medical center immediately. In case it is not necessary, give us a call at  1800-608-5318 to get free consultation from a car accident attorney regarding the next step for your particular case.
  • Along with an attorney, gather the needed proof that will help you get compensation for the property damage and the physical or psychological injuries that you suffered as a result of the crash, plus the testimony from a medical specialist regarding the injuries.

In Conexión Legal, we have a network of attorneys who specialize in accidents. They will offer free consultation in Spanish.

Most common injuries after a car accident

  • Trauma
  • Brain damage
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Fractures
  • Amputation of lower or upper limbs
  • Burns
  • Death

Most common car accidents

  • Distracted Driving
    Sending or reading text messages is one of the most frequent reasons for distracted or negligent driving, as well as one of the leading causes of car accidents.
  • Speeding
    Driving at high speeds makes the control of the car more difficult to maintain, so minimal and/or external factors can cause serious car accidents.
  • Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
    Any amount of alcohol in the blood of a car driver plays an important role in case of accidents, since it can slow down the driver’s capacity to react or, on the other hand, it can cause reckless driving due to the heart rate acceleration.
  • Failure to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks
    Pedestrians have the right of way and cars must stop, not just slow down.
  • Violation of traffic signals
    There are good reasons for the existence of traffic signs. Without them, driving on congested roads would be chaotic and more traffic accidents would happen. Drivers who disregard traffic signals not only injure themselves, but also put thousands of pedestrians at risk of serious accidents and injuries.
  • Failure to signal before turning
    The lack of signal may seem like a minor infraction, but sudden turns and lane changes can cause many motor vehicle accidents.

Call Conexión Legal at 1-800-608-5318 or contact us via WhatsApp! We will give you the advice you need regarding car accidents, completely for free. Our team will offer immediate, personalized attention, absolute confidentiality, and we will provide our services in Spanish.

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