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Social Security

We know that the disqualification of your Social Security number can affect your family’s financial situation.

In Conexión Legal, we understand the complexity of the Social Security System in the U.S., therefore, we have a specialist network of attorneys available for you

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Cases related to Social Security that we can take care of

In Conexión Legal, we are available to offer a Social Security Attorney in the following cases:

  • Social Security disqualification
  • In case of disability

The advice we offer takes you step by step to understand the wage contribution necessary to have access to Social Security and its coverage. Don’t let any bureaucratic process discourage you, count on us.

What to do in case you have your Social Security disqualified?

The process to get Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can be long and tedious, but our attorneys who specialize in Social Security processes can help you.

The Conexión Legal team speeds up formalities and avoids mistakes that could delay the achievement of these documents. We will do anything in our hands to help you, regardless if you have been denied Social Security in the past.

What does a Social Security Attorney do?

When the government denies a social security claim, you have the right to file an appeal to allow you to enjoy the benefits. A social Security attorney understands the impact this situation can have on your family’s financial situation.

We will assist you in filing an appeal in the event of a previous denial, and in pursuing insurance benefits.

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Was your social security number disabled?

You could have a MILLIONAIRE case. Fill out the form and we will contact you immediately.

Form General en (#85)
Form General en (#85)