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Fire and Explosions Accidents

Fire and explosion accidents can occur at any time, especially in places where there is a higher risk, such as a restaurant, a construction site, or even in a residential area due to poor installation of domestic gas connections. 

According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), burns, which are the most common injuries in cases of fires and explosions, are the cause of around 180,000 deaths per year worldwide. 

In case of the United States, a total of 410, 000 fire injuries were recorded in the country in 2008, of which 40, 000 required medical attention and hospitalization.

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If you are a victim of fire and explosion accidents in the United States, there are rights that are important for you to legally defend. Call us at 1800 201 1220 and at Conexión Legal you will be able to obtain complete advice to find a fair solution to your case.

What benefits can I receive as a fire and explosion victim?

In the United States, victims of accidents and injuries of all types are most often eligible for legal benefits that, depending on the nature of the case, may open the way to compensation to help cover medical and recovery expenses. 

If you are a victim of a fire and explosion accident, you may have the opportunity to receive compensation for your injuries, so it is important that you have the proper legal counsel to defend your rights in any instance. 

Don’t be afraid to take legal action! Regardless of your immigration status, you have the right to receive compensation as a victim. At Conexión Legal we can find the best accident lawyers for you, who will be ready to assert your rights at all times.

What damages are covered by fire and explosion compensation?

When you receive compensation for fire and explosion accidents, it should help you cover expenses such as: 

  • Medical care 
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Prescription drugs 
  • Rehabilitation therapies 
  • Death

Keep in mind that, in order to determine the value of your compensation, a lawyer must study your case and the damages and injuries you have suffered very well, in order to legally claim your right to receive the corresponding compensation.

Common injuries in fires and explosions

Injuries sustained by fire and explosion victims can be very serious, depending on the magnitude and extent of the burns resulting from these types of accidents. 

In general, the main injuries in cases of fires and explosions are: 

  • 1st and 3rd degree burns 
  • Asphyxiation 
  • Brain damages 
  • Impact shock from objects 
  • Cardiovascular injuries 
  • Open wounds 
  • Muscle damage

Each of these injuries will require specialized medical attention, the costs of which should be covered by the compensation you will be able to get with the legal help of a good accident lawyer.

What should I do if I have a fire and explosion accident?

First of all, it is important that you are able to identify if you have suffered serious injuries or damage. If so, and if it is within your means, seek immediate medical attention so that you can receive the appropriate treatment for your recovery.

After that, it is important that you contact fire and explosion accident lawyers who can guide you down the right legal path to get the benefits you deserve. 

In any case, in order to determine responsibility for the event, it is important to carry out a thorough investigation that takes into account aspects such as the place where the incident occurred, the time, the characteristics of the site, security measures, etc. 

For this reason, it is important that you make sure you have proper legal advice, so that this process is much simpler, and you do not have to worry about anything but your health.

Call now to Conexión Legal at 1800 201 1220 or write us a message via WhatsApp!

Do not let your rights be violated. Count on our team to provide you with a complete and personalized free consultation, so that justice can be done in your fire and explosion accident case.

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