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Compensation for Personal Injuries

Compensation for Personal Injuries

Compensation for personal injuries in the United States is the right of an individual who has suffered physical or emotional harm due to the action or inaction of another person or entity. Compensation may include payment for medical expenses, compensation for pain and suffering, loss of income, and permanent disability.

To obtain compensation for personal injuries in the United States, it is necessary to follow a series of steps, which can vary depending on the type of injury, the location, available insurance, and applicable legislation. Some of these steps include:

  • Seek immediate medical attention and keep receipts for medical expenses.
  • Report the incident to the relevant authorities and obtain an official report.
  • Obtain the details of the responsible party, including their name, address, phone number, license number, vehicle plate, and insurance company, if applicable.
  • Obtain the information of any witnesses to the incident, if available.
  • Contact the insurance company of the responsible party or the victim to report the incident and file a claim.
  • Get in touch with an attorney specializing in personal injuries for legal advice and to assess options for obtaining compensation.

Some frequently asked questions about compensation for personal injuries in the United States are


What types of personal injuries can be claimed?

All kinds of personal injuries that occur due to the fault or negligence of another person or entity can be claimed, such as: car accidents, dog bites, slips and falls, defective products, medical negligence, sexual abuse, and domestic violence.

What happens if the responsible party doesn't have insurance or flees the scene?

In that case, you can turn to your own insurance, provided you have coverage for uninsured or underinsured drivers. If you don’t have this coverage, you may file a civil lawsuit against the responsible party if you can successfully identify and locate them.

¿What if the injury was partially my fault?

In that case, the rule of comparative negligence may apply, which reduces compensation based on the percentage of fault. For example, if you are 20% at fault, you may receive 80% of the compensation.

Some states apply the rule of contributory negligence, which prevents receiving any compensation if you have any degree of fault.

What happens if the injury occurred in another state?

In that case, you should follow the law of the state where the injury occurred, which may have different requirements and limits for compensation. It is recommended to consult with an attorney specializing in that state.

How much time do I have to claim compensation for personal injuries?

The time you have to claim compensation depends on the state where the injury occurred and the type of claim being filed. Generally, the timeframe is one or two years from the date of the incident. However, there are exceptions that can shorten or extend the deadline. It is recommended to act as soon as possible to avoid losing the right to claim.

¿How much money can I receive as compensation for personal injuries?

The amount you can receive as compensation depends on various factors such as the type and severity of the injury, the fault of the responsible party, the type and limit of available insurance, and the current legislation.

There is no exact formula for calculating compensation, but it can be estimated based on similar cases. An attorney specializing in personal injuries can help determine the fair value of the claim and negotiate with the insurance company or represent the client in court.

Do you want to know what your compensation is?

You could have a MILLIONAIRE case. Fill out the form and we will contact you immediately.

Form General en (#85)

Do you want to know what your compensation is?

You could have a MILLIONAIRE case. Fill out the form and we will contact you immediately.

Form General en (#85)