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How can I find a workers compensation lawyer in New York?

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Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system that provides wage replacement and lifetime medical care for work-related injuries and illnesses. In the state of New York, all for-profit employers, and most not-for-profit employers must carry workers’ compensation insurance. If you’ve been injured as a result of your job, Conexion Legal can help you find a workers’ compensation lawyer in New York to get you the compensation you deserve.

At Conexion Legal, we offer free legal advice, Spanish-speaking attorneys and a wide network of expert lawyers specializing in workers’ compensation. Just call us at 1-800-201-1220 or write to us through WhatsApp to schedule your free consultation, and to connect with a New York workers’ compensation lawyer in our network.

What does workers’ compensation cover?

Workers’ compensation covers all health care costs related to your injury, travel expenses to and from your health care appointments and cash benefits — up to two-thirds of your average weekly wage. Under New York law, employers may not charge employees for workers’ compensation insurance, and there are no copayments for medical care, either. If you decide to hire an attorney, he or she is compensated from your replacement wage awards.

You do not have to live in New York to be eligible. You only have to work in New York state.

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Why do I need a New York workers’ compensation attorney?

It can be very complex and difficult to get the compensation you need if you have been injured in the course of your job. Injured workers should be aware of all their legal rights and responsibilities, as well as the responsibilities of the other parties involved. 

You may have been injured due to a falling piece of equipment, but without a lawyer to advise you, you may not realize that the equipment fell because of negligence on the part of your employer or co-worker. If evidence of such negligence is found, you have a right to sue for personal injury and receive damages beyond what workers’ compensation would provide.

At Conexion Legal, we have a network of experienced New York workers’ compensation lawyers who can help guide you through the legal maze of filing deadlines, discovery, subpoenas, statutes of limitation and gathering evidence.

What should I do after a work accident?

Workers injured on the job in New York must do two things immediately: Obtain necessary medical treatment, and promptly notify their supervisor or manager at the time of the accident. Notifying a co-worker is not enough. Management must be aware of what occurred.

Next: Call Conexion Legal at 1-800-201-1220 or write to us through WhatsApp. Conexion Legal offers legal consultations free of charge. We can help you determine your next steps and connect you to an experienced New York workers’ compensation attorney. Having an attorney by your side will help ensure that you do not overlook any important deadlines or forget to fill out any important forms, and in New York, there are many.

Within 30 days of the accident, the employee needs to formally notify the employer orally or in writing. The injured worker has up to two years from the date of the accident to file a claim with the New York Workers’ Compensation Board. They do that by sending a Form Employee Claim (C-3) to the Board.

For injuries that occur over a period of time — such as repetitive stress injuries — the employee has two years from the date he or she knew — or should have known — that the injury was job-related. If you even suspect that your chronic aches, pains, twinges, numbness or tingling could be related to your job, you should consult an attorney. The medical provider who sees the employee immediately after an accident must complete a Form Doctor’s Initial Report (C-4) and send it to the Workers’ Compensation Board.

The employer then has 10 days to report the injury to the Workers’ Compensation Board and to its workers’ compensation insurance company, which then has 14 days to send the injured worker a written statement of their rights under the law.

These deadlines are strictly enforced, and any mistake can jeopardize a worker’s ability to recover appropriate compensation.

Schedule your free legal consultation with Conexion Legal today, and we can connect you to a workers’ compensation lawyer in New York who specializes in cases like yours.

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