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What does negligent mean in a USA work injury case?

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A work injury case in the United States can result in compensation for the victim, which will cover expenses arising after the fact. However, when the accident occurs because of a negligent party, the benefits may increase. But, what does negligent mean in a workplace accident case?

If you suffered an accident at work in the USA, and you believe it may have been caused by a negligent party, call 1800 201 1220 now, or text our WhatsApp for free legal advice from our team of experts at Conexión Legal, who will be happy to provide the assistance you need.

What does negligent mean?

A negligent party is a person who was supposed to perform an important activity in the workplace but fails to perform this activity due to some type of carelessness or irresponsibility, causing an accident in which a worker results injured, and that could have been avoided if he or she had acted properly.

Most of the time, the injured workers are unaware of the fact that the accident they suffered could have been caused by the negligence of another figure in their workplace, losing the opportunity to receive greater benefits as a victim.

In order to determine if there is liability on the part of a negligent party in your workplace accident case, it is important that you have the legal assistance of an accident attorney, who will conduct the appropriate investigations into the causes of the event in which you were injured.

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Know your rights in the event of a negligent workplace accident

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016 there were around 5 thousand fatal injuries in the labor sector in the United States, which represents a 7% increase compared to the previous year. 

Many of these accidents in which workers of different sectors are injured are usually caused by different reasons, such as the use of heavy machinery, slips on the job site, etc.

However, it is also possible that within the causes of the accident in which a worker has been injured, there is a party who has acted negligently and, as a result, has given way to the accident that caused harm to the victim.

In these cases, an accident attorney will be able to claim a much larger amount than the victim is legally entitled to as workers’ compensation for each of the damages and injuries he or she suffered as a result of the accident.

Types of negligence in a work accident case in the U.S.

There are many situations that can demonstrate that an accident was caused by a negligent party who is liable for the injuries suffered by the victim as a result of the accident.

Some of the most common types of negligence are:

  • When an employer failed to provide adequate safety equipment in hazardous activities.
  • When a worker did not receive adequate training to perform a work activity.
  • Failure to comply with key OSHA safety standards in the workplace.
  • When a property owner fails to ensure minimum safety conditions for workers.

Each of these situations can lead to serious workplace accidents, which can cause significant injuries that, without proper medical attention, can lead to the death of the worker.

Workers’ Compensation for Negligence Cases in USA

If you are the victim of a workplace accident caused by a negligent party, it is important to make sure you have the assistance of an attorney who can help you receive the appropriate workers’ compensation based on the damages and injuries you have suffered.

Compensation in these cases can cover expenses such as:

  • Medical care.
  • Prescription drugs.
  • Rehabilitation therapies.
  • Lost wages.
  • Partial or permanent disability expenses.

In addition, an accident lawyer will allow you to claim for other expenses that may arise in the future related to the accident, such as pain, suffering, stress, etc. All of these could significantly increase your workers’ compensation.

Read also: If I was the victim of a crane accident at work, can I receive workers’ compensation?

Call 1800 201 1220, or write through our WhatsApp to receive free legal advice from our team of experts who, after studying every detail of your case, will be able to connect you with the best accident lawyers in the USA.

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