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How long does a worker’s compensation case last?

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If you have suffered an injury at work, you may be entitled to compensation from the state. In the United States, there is workers’ compensation insurance, also known as “workers compensation”. This insurance offers legal protection and funding to people who have suffered a work-related injury or illness.

The main objective is to provide some financial security and medical assistance to injured workers who cannot continue with their work due to their injuries.

If you suspect that your rights have been violated, you should contact the Conexión Legal team as soon as possible by calling 1866 701 1220 or writing to us via WhatsApp, so that you can receive the best free legal advice, and in this way we can help you obtain the highest possible compensation from a lawyer for a labor lawsuit.

The types of compensation for a work accident are divided into two categories: Temporary Total Disability (TTD) and Permanent Partial Disability (PPD).

Temporary Total Disability 

Covers medical expenses resulting from a work-related injury, lost wages while the worker recovers, and any other expenses related to the injury. Normally, this type of coverage lasts up to 12 months or until the worker has fully recovered.

Permanent Partial Disability 

Covers continued medical problems resulting from a work-related injury, such as paraplegia or vision loss. This type of compensation will be paid to the worker until they reach a certain level of recovery.

How is the compensation for a work accident calculated? 

The amount of compensation for a work accident paid to an injured worker is based on their salary before the injury, as well as the medical bills associated with the injury. It may also include payment of a lump sum for pain and suffering or other damages.

The amount claimed will depend on several factors, such as the duration and severity of the injury and the type of work performed by the injured worker. In some cases, there may be additional benefits, such as rehabilitation or vocational rehabilitation services.

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How much is each work accident compensation case worth? 

Work accident compensation is the money that an injured person can receive from the guilty party or their insurance company. It covers a wide range of losses, such as medical expenses, lost wages, etc. Work accident compensation can be granted both judicially and extrajudicially.

One of the most common forms of work accident compensation is for medical expenses. It covers all medical bills incurred by the injured person as a result of their injuries, such as doctor visits, hospital care, physical therapy, prescribed medications, and other expenses. It may also cover future medical expenses if necessary.

Work accidents covered by workers’ compensation may vary depending on state legislation and the type of injury or illness.

In general, however, common accidents covered by workers’ compensation include: carpal tunnel syndrome from repetitive movements, occupational diseases such as black lung disease or asbestosis, slips/trips/falls in the workplace, exposure to hazardous materials, and equipment-related injuries.

In general terms, work accident compensation can cover up to two-thirds of the injured worker’s lost wages and 100% of medical expenses.

How is the compensation paid? 

In most cases, work accident compensation is paid through an insurance company specializing in this type of coverage. The employer pays the coverage and the insurance company pays the compensation when it occurs. The amount of money received should cover the costs associated with the injury, including medical bills and lost wages.

With the help of a Spanish-speaking specialized lawyer, you can claim the compensation you are entitled to.


Injured workers who cannot work due to their injury have maximum economic security and medical assistance thanks to Work Accident compensation.

This program offers both employers and workers the opportunity to have a safety net, but it is essential to know the different types of compensation offered and how they are calculated, as this will allow Hispanics in the US to obtain all the compensation they deserve when they turn to this source of help.


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