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Can you sue for Workplace Harassment in the United States?

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Workplace Harassment, while not an accident that can cause physical injury, can lead to serious psychological damage, so working with a labor lawyer is essential. Now, can you really sue for Workplace Harassment at work? At Conexión Legal we can advise you and answer all the questions you may have about your case.

According to the website of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the results of the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) conducted in the United States indicate that there were more than one million cases of assaults on workers per year in the country between 1987 and 1992.

If you face a case of workplace harassment, whatever the reason, it is imperative that you take legal action with a labor lawyer, so you can solve the situation in the fastest possible time and obtain compensation for each of the damages you have suffered as a result of the event.

At Conexión Legal we can help you resolve any questions you may have about your case. Call now at 1800 201 1220, or write to our WhatsApp, to receive free legal advice from our team of experts in workplace harassment cases.


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What is workplace harassment?

Workplace Harassment is considered to be any type of situation in which the worker is subjected to constant abuse of different types in the workplace, which usually comes from people in higher positions, although it can also occur between equal positions.

These actions are most often carried out with the aim of insulting, intimidating or instilling fear and insecurity in the victim. According to statistics, up to 70% of Workplace Harassment cases in the United States are not legally addressed because of victims’ fear of retaliation at work.

If you are a victim of Workplace Harassment, it is important to know that you can set a a lawsuit for workplace harassment, as long as you have the legal support of a good employment lawyer who can guide you down the right legal path at all times.


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Examples of common workplace harassment in the USA

There are many cases in which a worker may be a victim of harassment at work, so it is important to be alert to any type of action that may cause discomfort or annoyances, and therefore act quickly to stop the situation.

Some of the most common examples of Workplace Harassment in the United States are:


This harassment is perpetrated when the victim receives all kinds of unfair treatment for reasons that have to do with his or her culture, character or lifestyle, such as his or her race, sex, age, sexual orientation, etc.

Unfair agreements

These are situations in which a worker is unfairly subjected to an agreement in which, for example, he/she is promised any kind of reward in exchange for sexual favors or improper actions.


It is very similar to the previous one, only that in this case it involves threats to the worker in exchange for any type of favor or benefit, which is usually of a sexual nature. An example is when a superior threatens a worker with dismissal if that worker does not agree to participate in activities by force.


Any worker who is forced to perform sexual acts against their will at work, under threats or false promises, is a victim of sexual harassment. Sexual conduct, comments or behaviors are also considered in this case.


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This type of harassment is often also known as workplace violence, and includes all those situations in which a worker is the victim of physical attacks or threats against their physical integrity by other workmates or their superiors.


This type of harassment is usually one of the most common and includes cases in which a worker is subjected to all kinds of insults, shouting, mockery, threats or derogatory comments whose sole purpose is to attack and cause harm to the worker.

Can you really sue for Workplace Harassment in the United States?

In the event of Workplace Harassment in the United States, the most important thing to do is to report the case to a superior figure in the company, such as the employer, manager, supervisor, etc., in an effort to stop the situation.

In the event that the aggressions still continue, it is important that you collect as much evidence as possible about the abuse you are experiencing, such as photographs, video, audio recordings, text messages, etc.

With this evidence, you can join hands with a Workplace Harassment Lawyer to file a lawsuit in which you can claim compensation for the damages you have suffered as a result of the hostile situation you have been the victim of at your workplace.

How to prove workplace harassment in court

If you have decided to sue for workplace harassment, you should know that it is not enough to say that you have been harassed at work. You need to have evidence that supports your claim and that shows that you have suffered an unfair, discriminatory or violent treatment from your employer or your coworkers.

This evidence can be of different types, such as:

  • Documents: contracts, payrolls, emails, text messages, letters, performance evaluations, etc. that show the workplace harassment or its consequences.
  • Witnesses: people who have witnessed or suffered the workplace harassment and who can testify in your favor in court. They can be other workers, customers, suppliers, etc.
  • Recordings: audios or videos that record the workplace harassment or its effects. You must be careful not to violate the privacy or the rights of the people involved when obtaining these recordings.
  • Medical reports: certificates or diagnoses that prove that the workplace harassment has caused you physical or psychological damages, such as stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc.

It is important that you keep all the evidence you have and that you present it in an orderly and clear way in court. It is also advisable that you have the support of a labor lawyer expert in cases of workplace harassment, who can advise you and defend your rights.

Benefits of suing for Workplace Harassment in the U.S.

By filing a workplace harassment lawsuit in the USA, you may have the opportunity to obtain compensation, the value of such compensation depends on the damages you have suffered and the circumstances under which the harassment occurred.

In some cases, you may even receive an amount equivalent to 50% of the medical treatment you need, if the harassment led to demonstrable psychological suffering.


Read also: How to determine if you are a victim of workplace harassment in Chicago?


Do you need legal advice in a case of harassment at work? Call now at 1800 201 122, or write to our WhatsApp to receive free legal advice. Our team will thoroughly study your case and put you in touch with the best Workplace Harassment Lawyers near you.


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